How Buyers Often Find Out about your Listing

Wednesday Nov 30th, 2022


There are many ways buyers can find out about your home for sale. Some will see the lawn sign. Others will notice the listing on MLS. Still others might find out via an advertisement or social media post. But, there is one other way buyers will discover your listing — and it can be pivotal to the success of your sale. The agent can make sure they know. In some cases, buyers shopping for a particular type of home, or those who are targeting a specific neighbourhood, will get on an... [read more]

Setting Your List Price Requires Calculation and Savvy

Thursday Nov 8th, 2018


When you're having a garage sale, one of the toughest tasks is pricing your items. If you put a price tag on your old golf clubs that’s too high, no one will buy them. If you make the price too low, they might sell quickly, but you’ll spend the rest of the day wondering if you could have gotten more! It's similar to selling your home — except with your home, the stakes are much higher. You want to price your property to sell, but you don’t want to leave any... [read more]

Does the Area Have What You Want?

Monday Mar 25th, 2019


Imagine going to a restaurant with your family for dinner. You're planning on ordering a nice pasta and salad. Your heart is set on it. But, after you go to the trouble of driving there and getting a table, you discover that pasta is not on the menu. That’s disappointing! Of course, it’s only a meal. You can go somewhere else next time. But, what if the same scenario played out once you had moved into a new neighbourhood? Imagine you were counting on public transit being... [read more]



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